In early 2024, the Friends’ board voted to move forward with a large prairie restoration project in Blue Mound State Park. This project aligns with the Friends’ mission statement as the goal is to “enhance and preserve the park’s natural resources” (i.e. the prairies). It has also taken work from many volunteers alongside professionals from Adaptive Restoration.
Volunteer on the Prairies
More work is still needed to help restore and maintain the prairies. If you’re interested in being notified of volunteer opportunities, please fill out the form below.
Prairie Updates

2024 Prairie Restoration Recap
FBMSPIt was a big year of restoration at Swain Prairie and Upper Walnut Prairie in…

Seed Collecting
FBMSPThere was a small and motivated volunteer group turn out for seed collection on September…

Seed Collection Work Party
FBMSPSeptember 24 5:00 – 7:00 pm Help with the ongoing prairie restoration project by collecting…

End-of-Summer Prairie Update
FBMSPThe prairies in the park are looking great. A few patches of ragweed and crown…

Summer Prairie Update
FBMSPThe prairies are really starting to take off given mid summer rain and sun. Adaptive…

June Prairie Update
FBMSPThere were some definite highlights during recent field days; including flowering purple milkweed (pictured), tall…

Prairie Restoration Work Days
April Prairie Update
FBMSPUpper Walnut and Swain Prairie experienced a controlled burn. the Wisconsin DNR and local fire…