The staff at Blue Mound State Park would like to give a heart-felt thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who donated their time, expertise, and energy this year to the park. It doesn’t go unrecognized or unappreciated. While the closure of 2024 marks the end of a very busy season, it also brings new excitement for 2025.
Park Visitors: 200,000
Campers: 37,000
Pool Visitors: 14,234
Park Project Updates
Woodshed Construction
The Friends of Blue Mound State broke ground on the new wood shed & mobility device storage building. This marks several years and countless hours of planning & fundraising through a cooperation between the Friends and DNR.
Accessibility in the Park
This is also the first phase to provided increase mobility access to Blue Mound State Park. Our hope is to provide mobility devices to visitors of the park and especially those staying at the “Mayberry” Accessible Cabin to extend their enjoyment of the park with family and friends. The DNR has additional accessible projects planned in the spring of 2025 to include paving and recontouring the ADA accessible campsite #32, developing an accessible trail to the main overlook and repaving the West Tower trail.

Park Events

Candlelight Ski, Snowshoe, & Hike
Saturday, Feb. 1st, 2025
5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
A candlelit one-mile wooded loop will be available to ski, and a separate one-mile candlelight wooded trail for hikers, snowshoers, and leashed pets. Warm up with free hot drinks inside the heated Friends Shelter. Enjoy the bonfire and free marshmallows for roasting. The only cost for this fun filled family event is a daily or annual park sticker, which may be purchased upon entry to the park.
125th Anniversary
2025 also marks the 125th Anniversary of the Wisconsin State Parks, and we are preparing for a year-long celebration. Join in one of the many “First Day Hikes” around the state to mark the kickoff celebration.
NEW Park Admission Stickers
New for 2025 is a 12-month vehicle admission pass for the Wisconsin State Parks and Forests, which is valid for 12 months from the time of purchase. The 12-month vehicle admission passes are punch marked to indicate the month/year they expire. The pass will remain valid until the final day of the month/year in with it is marked.

Camping Updates
Starting in 2025, the new “Check-out time” for campsites is 1 PM. “Check-In time” will remain 3pm, which allows park staff to make repairs or cleaning if needed for the 2-hour window. The New checkout time applies to all state parks, forests, and recreation areas.
The park would not be the same today without your continued support and passion for this special place we call Blue Mound State Park.
Thank you!
Keven Swenson
Park Manager
Blue Mound State Park